Discuss your idea with a design specialist

NOTE: Our discussion with the Siebel Center for Design regarding Fall 2022 resources are ongoing. Please check back soon for an updated list of competition resources from the Siebel Center for Design

Dr. Saad Shehab and Dr. Ted Faust, both design specialists from the Siebel Center for Design, will be available via Zoom to discuss any of your competition-related design challenges. No need to make reservations, just pop in to their Zoom meetings on the following days and times:

  1. Thursday, September 30th, 3PM to 4PM: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/84557069742?pwd=NFhDLzhHMW9FeWlITTFFQkJkRDFLQT09 
  2. Thursday, October 28th, 3PM to 4PM: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/89173448700?pwd=UXV4WW9LUnRkQ2NvSElKbkk4YUJtQT09 
  3. Thursday, November 18th, 3PM to 4PM: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/81380268605?pwd=UHVTNytkS2ZZWkU0bkVGb0ZocHNXUT09