September 17th
“Let’s Talk About It, Reimagine Our Future Sustainability Contest”.
Presentation Slides
Venue: Room 2039 of the UIUC’s Campus Instructional Facility
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)
A sustainability-focused panel hosted by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Student Sustainability Committee, exclusively for the Reimagine Our Future competition. This event is for the benefit of undergraduates from any institution participating in the competition who have registered or are considering registering for the competition. The panel will feature environmental and sustainability student group specialists from UIUC. The different project working groups being represented:
· Land, Water, and Air
· Transportation and Infrastructure
· Food and Waste
· Education and Justice
· Energy
Be ready to work with talented, like-minded, passionate stewards of the environment as you refine your ideas for competition projects. Together we can make a difference; it’s time to reimagine our future!
Refreshments will be provided during this in-person meeting (which will be recorded and available online). Details will be communicated closer to the date. See you there!
October 15th
“Reimagine Our Future Advanced Project Development”.
Presentation Slides
Venue: Room 2039 of the UIUC’s Campus Instructional Facility
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)
Zoom: If you prefer, you may attend this event via Zoom, using the link below:
Meeting ID: 891 5616 2019
Password: 684826
A workshop hosted by the Student Sustainability Committee, where registered Reimagine Our Future competitors can discuss and develop their projects. The workshop will provide an opportunity to interact with experienced advisors from several fields and disciplines. Discussion topics will include making the most of your meeting with a project-specific advisor, a step that is required by the competition’s Oct. 22 advisor deadline. You will also get valuable tips on how to produce an effective fact sheet; this is due by Nov. 19. Together we can take on the global challenges facing humanity, and together we can mitigate the damage done to Earth’s natural systems.
Refreshments will be provided during this in-person meeting (which will be recorded and available on-line). Details will be communicated closer to the date. See you there!